Hi, we are the My Place Pioneers. We are a tenacious bunch who are passionate about having a positive impact on our community. We are confident, creative, and intelligent - in short, we are outstanding.
The big questions we want to ask within our research are: How do people feel about the regeneration of Finsbury Park? How safe do people feel in Finsbury Park? And how do people feel about the variety and accessibility of leisure facilities in Finsbury Park?
"As My Place Pioneers, we want to engage with a wide variety of sub-cultures from different ethnic backgrounds; families, friends, religious establishments, recreational football grounds and local estates"
Over the next few weeks, we plan to utilise various research methods to gather both qualitative and quantitative data to answer this question. We also wish to create a documentary to conclude our project, showcasing our research.
During the beginning stages of our project, we researched what information was already known about our set topic. This existing data will be added to our own research to help make our project more reliable.
As a team, we plan to visit estates, businesses, parks, and busy roads to gather our information. (Andover, Stroud Green Road, Finsbury Park, Woodberry Down, Finsbury Park Station, Six Acres, Blackstock Road). We made the decision to split into sub-groups to spread the workload and gather more information.
Between us, we have access to a diverse range of communities in Finsbury Park, such as Shukri’s connections within the Somali Community and Julia, Hannah and David’s links to young people through football, especially in Andover.
Having spoken with our community, we are now in discussion with local decision-makers about our findings. More on this cocreation soon!